Health & Safety

We are committed to conducting its business safely and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for its employees, clients, contractors, and all persons using the premises as a place of work. Our management is responsible and committed to provding a safe and healthy work environment. Management will develop and maintain a health and safety management system by meeting its obligations under the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 , Health & Safety Employment Regulations 1995, and the Health & Safety at Work Act 2016


Our commitment to implement environmentally sustainable work practices. We have invested in prorams and intiatives that are not only envrionmentally sustainable, but provide environmental outcomes. We work together with clients to ensure overall sustainability objectives for buildings are met. All our cleaning products are eco-friendly, we also use to ecostore cleaning products that has been recognized nationwide as one of the leading company with eco-friendly and safer products.

Quality Assurance

Firstly, we work really hard to ensure that our staffs and everone involved in each site understands very clearly the tasks involved in each site since every site is different. Our staff are trained and provided with the best equipment to carry out the tasks. Our quality managerment system is designed for consistent and on-going audit and quality supervision. We report and communicate with our clients regularly to ensure that we are all on the same page at all time.